Inside SFS

Calendar / Room Request Form

Event requests should be submitted  at least three weeks before event!

This form will be sent to the appropriate staff member(s) for review. Submitting the form does not guarantee it will be approved.

required text field
required date/time field
required text field
Please enter the day(s) of the week that this event will take place.
required date/time field
required date/time field
required date/time field
text field
required text field
required text field
e-mail address field
text field
text field
required text field
text field
Please talk to individual teachers if classrooms are required
checkbox field
required textarea field
Please provide details of any furniture, cleanup, campus access, etc. Please attach an explanatory diagram below if possible.
file attachment field
Please upload a diagram of table/chair setup, etc. Please check with Facilities Manager about any details.
(80 MB max)
required select menu field
Please select whether audio/visual/technology will be required. Please send all details to as they become available.
textarea field
If you will be using technology to display a presentation or video, please outline devices provided and devices needed below. (Mac/PC/USB Drive, Projector, Microphone, Audio, Video)