Inside SFS

North Class News - Sound of the Week

Sound of the Week

We are beginning a yearlong language project called “the sound of the week.” When we work with letters we teach the children the sound of the letter in addition to the name of the letter. As many children know their ‘ABC’ we usually say: “Yes, the name of T is “tee”, and it makes the sound /t/ (without the vowel sound” as in turtle). We emphasize phonemic awareness first; this is the ability to hear the sounds of letters. The phonological aspect follows later when we connect the sound to the symbol of each letter. Phonemic and phonological skills are prerequisites for learning how to read and write. When we introduce the vowel sounds we teach the short sound of the vowels: /a/ as in apple, /e/ as in elephant, /i/ as in igloo, /o/ as in octopus, and /u/ as in umbrella. We will keep you informed about the upcoming sounds of the week in our newsletters.

In addition, we will post the new sound of the week each Monday in the classroom. Children may bring up to three objects or pictures representing the respective sound in a little bag for sharing during “sound of the week” time. If they get inspired they may bring different objects and pictures up to three times per week. All items will be kept in the Sound of the Week baskets during the day and will not be played with. If your child arrives to school early she or he should keep the objects in his or her cubby until class begins at 8:45am. Also, this is the one way children have figured out to bring toys to school; which is fine, but they will stay in the baskets. Please make that clear to your child if s/he chooses to bring toys for the sound of the week the toys will stay in the basket and can not be played with at all.

If the opportunity arises you can talk to your children about the weekly sound
and reinforce it. As with all work with young children, keep it fun.

Here are a few examples for next week’s sound: /s/
Sunflower: initial sound, hamster: middle sound, robots: final sound, necklace:
final sound (sound not spelling.)

Sept. 21 ……………… S as in sun
Sept. 28…………………M as in moon
Oct. 5…………………… T as in turtle
Oct. 14……………….NO sound (short week)
Oct. 19.……………..…. P as in pig

Your North Class Teachers


Posted September 15, 2015